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ReleaseNotesHub is a ubiquitous, SaaS solution that automates the generation and publication of release notes. ReleaseNotesHub is a market leader and valued by small companies and large enterprises alike. For the majority of companies, the creation of release notes is a highly time consuming and labour-intensive process. ReleaseNotesHub can greatly reduce the Time, Effort and Cost in creating, hosting and maintaining the release notes for your solution.


The software development industry has been evolving at an unprecedented rate. With the recent revolution in Devops and CI/CD pipelines, the velocity at which software is now being produced and released has hyper accelerated. It's not uncommon for software to be released on a weekly or even daily basis.


With ReleaseNotesHub the creation of Release Notes becomes another step within your CI/CD pipeline. With the appropriate permission, ReleaseNotesHub can pull or receive content from any ticket or task management system which can then be aggregated, sanitised and published via the ReleaseNotesHub platform. ReleaseNotesHub can pull content from many systems including TFS, Azure Devops, GitHub, Jira and Asana.


ReleaseNotesHub has reinvented the way in which release notes are captured, stored and made available to the customer. It does'nt produce a static document or wiki article for a release. Instead, ReleaseNotesHub is a search engine for release notes. The platform allows the consumer to search, discover and explore changes made to an app, service or software solution.


With ReleaseNotesHub the customer can follow any solution and be notified when a new feature has been released or a bug has been fixed. This provides you with a direct channel of engagement with your customers. It also means the effort you invest in a release doesn't go unnoticed, but contributes to customer loyalty and satisfaction.


Reducing the feedback loop with your customers will allow you to be more responsive to customer demand. It's an invaluable component of agile development and allows you to pivot with greater confidence. With ReleaseNotesHub the customer can like or dislike a release and even leave a comment. This experience will leave the customer feeling more engaged and empowered over the direction of your software.


Customers that feel more engaged with you and your release cycle will have a much higher rate of retention than those customers who feel disenfranchised. For this reason, ReleaseNotesHub will help reduce churn and help build sustainable growth and defensibility around your solution.


With ReleaseNotesHub building community and socialising each release is made simple. With each release, customers who are following your solution will be notified. A Release can also be socialised via other channels including Twitter, Facebook and Slack.


At ReleaseNotesHub we take security and confidentiality very seriously. For this reason, the platform utilises OpenId Connect, 2 Factor Auth and a comprehensive claims-based authorization model. This means you can make a release public or restrict access to a specific group of users. The platform also provides support for API access and Single-Sign-On (SSO) capability.


For developers ReleaseNotesHub delivers rich tooling for integration with any software solution or Devops pipeline. The platform is powered via a Restful API which is documented and highly discoverable via Swagger. There's also a .NET Standard 2.0 client available from which offers a fluent model for communicating with the ReleaseNotesHub API.


For the integrator, ReleaseNotesHub offers a wide range of webhooks that can be used to integrate directly with your Devops process. This means customer feedback can surface without friction and have a meaningful impact on the direction of your software.


For the business, ReleaseNotesHub saves money, lowers customer churn, increases customer engagement and helps build defensibility around your solution. While ReleaseNotesHub is a service developers and customer support will demand, it's a service the business will love.


ReleaseNotesHub is the leading platform for Release Notes that people love and use. Release your potential with ReleaseNotesHub!

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